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Have you just adopted a new dog and are wanting to get started in some training?  Perhaps you have done some basic training when your dog was younger but you are looking to iron out some basic training issues?


Often our training can start off with a bang!  Our puppy is a general delight and has settled into home life well, and then the ‘teenage’ years commence.  The ears switch off, the training we once thought was rock solid has gone out the window!  These packages are to help you out when the wheels fall off!   Maybe you have also adopted a ‘new to you’ puppy and therefore are looking to start some training but have missed the cut off age for the puppy classes.

Adult Dog Re-Starter

To be used within 6 months of sign up


1 x Puppy Connect  OR Starters Obedience

1 x Private Lessons 

1 x Once Off Workshop 


==> Total Value - $433


Total Cost:  $390

New Adoption Dog Package

To be used within 6 months of sign up


1 x  Puppy Connect OR Starters Obedience

3 x Private Lesson

1 x Once-Off Workshops


==> Total Value - $778


Total Cost:  $710

Training Packages Terms and Conditions:


1. You, the puppy’s owner, is responsible for booking your puppy into the programs and sessions of your Training Package using our online booking system or calling K9 Connect on 9886 7768.

2. Items are not transferrable to other goods and services (without discussion with K9 Connect).

3. Not transferrable to other pets / owners.

4. Can be used at any facility where K9 Connect conduct training programs.

5. Dog must fit the appropriate age bracket for the relevant class.  Call K9 Connect to discuss if unsure.

6. If classes are missed and / or a course is not used prior to expiration then that class / course is forfeited and no refunds.






Are you after just a single program or session?


 Are you struggling with some problem behaviours and not sure which to choose?  Click on our Private Lesson link to find out more!  


Have you heard about your CALM THE FARM series for reactive dogs?


Why choose K9 Connect?




Our consultations and classes are designed in a practical manner, suited to your lifestyle and your family.

Cute Dog



Our workshops and seminars are jam-packed full of information - we guarantee you will learn something new every time!

French Bulldog



Our aim is that you will always have fun training your dog.  We want to strengthen the connection and communication with each other.

We would love to hear from you!  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.  Otherwise please subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date with our upcoming classes, workshops and seminars.


03 9886 7768

Thanks for submitting!

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